We are specialists in designing personalized trips to Morocco and South of Morocco, circuits to the great Sahara desert, the Atlantic coast and imperial cities, trekking, bivouacs.
We are the experts in the tourist sector in Morocco.
We are specialists in organizing trips and totally personalized circuits within Morocco.
Expert in the Sahara desert and the South of Morocco.
We are experts offering hospitality and a high quality service, we adapt to your needs as well as if you travel alone or with your partner, friends, children, grandparents, workmates. We provide you the best options and suggestions about the best activities.
We are experts in events, business groups, outdoor workshops and cooperation projects.

Travel privat!
Travel with a experienced driver with 4x4 vehicle and Bader will be your privat guide
Up to 4 Pers. per day/jour/Tag/giorno/jornada

La pluie comme don du ciel
La petite caravane – créée selon mes besoins – m’a permi de vivre beaucoup de grandes choses impressionnantes qui dépassèrent de loin toutes mes attentes.
Profitez d'un voyage très spécial.
Grateful for the rain
The most little personally created caravan was able to experience great and expressive things. This is higher than 1001 nights, resp. beyond all my expectations.
Enjoy a very special trip.
Dankbar fuer den Regen
Die kleinste - selber und individuell zusammengestellte Karavane - erlebte viel Eindrueckliches und durfte Grossartiges erleben. Das ist schon hoeher als 1001 Nacht resp. gehoert zum Hoehepunkt.
Erleben Sie eine ganz spezielle Reise.
Grato per la pioggia
La più piccolo personalmente creato caravan è stato in grado di provare le cose grandi ed espressive. Questo è supera a 1001 notti, resp. oltre ogni mia aspettativa.
Godetevi un viaggio molto speciale.
La lluvia como el don del cielo
La más pequeña caravana – creada según mis necesidades – me tiene permi de vivir muchas grandes cosas impresionantes que sobrepasaron de lejos todas mis esperas.
Saque provecho de un viaje muy especial.

Chegaga -> A ne pas confondre avec Chicago
Comme dans un conte de fées ... où l'un des faits saillants des 1001 nuits et de ces dunes de sable qui évoluent en fonction de la lumière, sont une merveille pour les images, les films et les souvenirs.
Chegaga ->> not Chicago
Like in a fairy tale ... or one of the highlights of 1001 nights, these sand dunes, depending on the light, are wonderful for images and/or movies.
Make your best shot!
Chegaga ->> nicht Chigago
Wie in einem Maerchen ... oder eines der Highlights von 1001 Nacht, die Sandduenen und je nach Lichteinfall perfekt für Bilder und / oder Filme.
Tun Sie Ihr Bestes!
Chegaga ->> Non per unire con Chigago
Come in una favola… o uno dei punti culminanti di 1001 notti, queste dune di sabbia, a seconda della luce, sono meravigliose per immagini o filmati.
Fate del vostro colpo migliore!
Chegaga -> El que no hay que confundir con Chicago
Así como en un cuento de hadas donde uno de los hechos salientes de las 1001 noches y estas dunas de arena que evolucionan con arreglo a la luz, son una maravilla para las imágenes, las películas y las memorias.